Access Collections is the most versatilecollection companies in the nation with over thiry years getting back money for customers.Access Collections LLC is the finest in collection agencies in the United StatesAccess Collections LLC is the finest in collection agencies in the United StatesAccess Collections LLC is the finest in collection agencies in the United States 2Access Collections LLC is the most versatile collectors of debt in the country using the latest techology and persuasiveness to get your money back.Make a payment to Access Collections LLC to get more money from debtors back into your pocketContact Us at Access Collections in tampa FL, they are the most versatilecollection companies in the nation with over thiry years of getting back money for customers.Access Collections is the most versatilecollection companies in the nation with over thiry years getting back money for customers.

We are relentless in tracking and getting all the details to find and persuade your debtor to pay you your money.





About Us

Crucial to Success

With Access Collections, LLC you'll have the skill and expertise needed to collect your consumer debt, delivering improved cash flow and reduced days outstanding.

Consumer Collection

Knowledge and Experience With A Personal Touch… At Access Collections, we know debtors have different reasons for allowing their accounts to become delinquent. Sometimes it is merely an unwillingness to pay. At other times, it may be a temporary financial hardship or an over-extension of resources. These debtors may want to pay, and repeated demands may aggravate the problem. On the other hand, if they are treated professionally, they may remain loyal customers. With our sophisticated credit research and investigation techniques, we will discover all details regarding the debtor's financial condition, giving us the information we need to make decisions about how best to collect the account. Then, we'll work with you and advise you on the progress made to get the money in hand.

We believe litigation should be a last resort. Instead, we determine the best way to collect the account, using debt recovery technology, written and verbal techniques. Our impeccable professionalism helps you avoid losing future sales to your competitor by allowing you, whenever possible, to retain the customer and continue your relationship.

At Access Collections, we know debtors aren't all alike. Our goal is to offer the personalized service that meets the specific needs of each of your delinquent accounts.

Email: bbogart @





Let's get together and get
your money back.




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Access Collections -- Nationwide Debt Collection -- Flat Fee Collection Agency. All Rights Reserved.