Access Collection Agency in tampa Florida where we get the colectios na debt back into your pocket



Access Collections is the most versatilecollection companies in the nation with over thiry years getting back money for customers.Access Collections LLC is the finest in collection agencies in the United StatesAccess Collections LLC is the finest in collection agencies in the United StatesAccess Collections LLC is the finest in collection agencies in the United States 2Access Collections LLC is the most versatile collectors of debt in the country using the latest techology and persuasiveness to get your money back.Make a payment to Access Collections LLC to get more money from debtors back into your pocketContact Us at Access Collections in tampa FL, they are the most versatilecollection companies in the nation with over thiry years of getting back money for customers.Access Collections is the most versatilecollection companies in the nation with over thiry years getting back money for customers.





Here's What a Former Employer Says ...
Everest University hired Brian Bogart before he began Access Collections, LLC and was a splendid employee managing a team of 12 in AR collections
"Brian Bogart worked at Everest University for three years as Manager of Student Collections. With his team of 12 employees he consistently displayed a strong work ethic, both with attendance and attention to detail ... He managed his people to stay on target to budgeted goals. Brian's collection experience brought much needed guidance to the team including skip tracing knowledge and collection methods of the trade, leading to rewarding performance improvements. Brian counseled his team regularly to ensure they follow federal, state and university ethics policies without fail." Bridget McGuire, Divisional AVP Student Finance

A Client said this ...

"As Associate Director of Student Accounts at a major east coast university, I am charged with constantly working to find a more efficient, cost effective means of collecting our Student Account receivables. I also have the responsibility to interface with collection agencies to see that guidelines are followed and to ensure that our university receives the highest rate of return. Brian, as a collector and manager of our primary agency, was a major weapon in my arsenal for accomplishing these tasks. Brian is a creative thinker and has the ability to contact our students globally and convince them to satisfy their debts. This has enabled numerous students to then be entitled to return to school, obtain official records, transcripts and/or Diploma. In these areas, Brian Bogart has exceeded expectations and has out-shined all other agencies that we had contracted with. "

At the request of the University, the person's name and university name have been withheld do to the institution's endorsement restrictions.

Even students praise Brian Bogart's assistance ....

I was a student and like most had fallen behind when I was contacted by Brian's company about my balance. His collectors where extremely professional, knowledgeable and considerate in helping me... But, Brian was knowledgeable enough to direct me to a third party lender that was able to resolve my debt in a manner that was best for me. I'm extremely thankful that it was Brian's collection team that contacted me and not another company that may have made life unbearable and may have forced me into bankruptcy.
Sandy Z. (Student)

Email Click Here or call 1-813 369-5300 to contact Access Collections and find out how we can increase your profitability.





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